Blackjack Strategy

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Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games around today, and has been for some time. Not only is it extremely exciting to play, it’s distinct in that it’s one of the few games where a players decision affects future outcome (unlike games such as slots or roulette), and the house advantage is quite low compared to other casino games. In fact, if played correctly using basic strategy, blackjack only carries a house advantage of less then 1% (the actual number varies based on house blackjack rules and number of decks in play). If played online in legitimate online casinos, it’s possible to tilt that house advantage much closer to your favor.

The main advantage to playing online are the probability blackjack has to offer, or any casino game online for that matter, are the huge sign up bonuses that online casinos offer. Because the costs of operating online casinos are so low compared to running a physical casino, and because there are such a large number of them competing for business, online casinos try to entice new players with generous deposit bonuses. It’s very common to come across an online casino offering a 200% bonus on a new players first deposit. So what does this have to do with blackjack you may ask? Because the house edge for blackjack is so low to begin with, playing with a bankroll that is two thirds free is a huge advantage. Couple that with the fact that there are literally hundreds of legitimate casinos online that offer these bonuses, giving you even more chances to obtain free money, and you can start to see that beating the game is not so far fetched after all.

For the above information to be applicable, you must know basic blackjack strategy. You can find tables online that tell you what to do in every possible scenario, and since you aren’t playing in a live setting you can take your time referencing your cheat sheet, and no pit bosses will give you any guff. Any example of a cheat sheet can be found here It is important to have at least some type of grasp on basic strategy, so a quick rundown is in order.

Without delving to much into how to play blackjack, here is an example of some of basic strategy:

Hit if you have 11 or lower.
Stand on hard 17 through 21
Always hit soft 17
Stand on 13 through 16 if the dealer is showing a 2 through 6
Hit up to 16 if the dealer is showing 7 or greater
Always double 11
Never split 4′s, 5′s or 10′s
Always split 8′s and A’s

Like it was mentioned before, this is just a very general outline. If you have no idea how to play blackjack it would be wise to learn more about the game before playing online or in a physical casino.

When playing blackjack, you will often be presented with the option of splitting or doubling down. Depending on your cards and the dealers up card, this can be a good or bad decision. For example, you would want to double down if you have a 9 and the dealer is showing a 6, but you wouldn’t want to double down with that same 9 when the dealer is showing a 10. Again, you can reference a cheat sheet if you are unsure of what you are supposed to do. But assuming your in a position that is favorable to double or split, it is imperative you do so every time you have the opportunity to. It can be intimidating to double, triple or quadruple your bet, but this is this one of the key ways to make money on blackjack, and lower the house edge even more.

Playing online can also present you the opportunity to play more then one hand at once. Its much more advantageous for you to play several hands at the same time instead of one. It’s less likely you are going to lose a full bet on the table if you have more then one hand going, although it is of course possible. Nevertheless, playing multiple hands lowers the house edge even more, and by playing online you can find private tables to do so.

If you know the basic strategy to Blackjack and take advantage of the bonuses and perks online casinos have to offer, you will give yourself a very reasonable shot at making some money.