Baccarat Rules

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The game of Baccarat is usually played on a table that is the shape of an oval. If your not sure about the baccarat rules you may check them here. Online casino baccarat it involves a croupier (dealer) and 2 other people who are tallying up bet amounts and commissions. Usually between 6 to 8 decks of cards are used by the dealer. With an advanced baccarat strategy it is possible to beat the online casino games . This game is based upon big bet amounts, which is why in places like Las Vegas and Atlantic City Baccarat games are played in private rooms.

You will find that there are mainly 3 different types of Baccarat games. These include Punto Banco, Baccarat Banque and Baccarat Chemin De Fer. Punto Banco is actually the North American adaptation of Baccarat. This is a game of chance that requires no skill. However both Baccarat Banque and Baccarat Chemin De Fer require some skill as you will need to make choices and wagers.

Understanding The Baccarat Game

To begin with, you need to understand what the value of the different cards are. They are as follows:
1.Cards 2 through 9 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) are worth their face value. In other words, a 2 is worth 2 and a 9 is worth 9.
2.The 10, Jack, Queen and King are all worth nothing (or zero).
3.An Ace is worth 1 point.

All of the cards will be dealt face down, first to the players and then to the banker. For the initial round you will receive a total of 2 cards. Once you have been dealt all of your cards, you will then turn them over so that you can add up all of them. In order to figure out what your hand is worth you will simply dismiss the number that is in the tens column. So, you are basically taking the digit that is in the right hand column as being your total point value. For instance, if you are dealt a 5 and a 4, then your total is 9 (5+4=9). However, if you are dealt a 7 and a 5, then your total would be 2 (7+5=12, the number in the tens position is the 2).

After everyone has turned over and counted their cards the dealer will then count their cards and announce how many points each player has. If any of the players or the banker gets an 8 or a 9 in the first round, no more cards are dealt. The highest scorer will then win the game. Otherwise, any player who has a 0 through a 5 will draw one more card while anyone who has a 6 or a 7 will stand. The person who then has the highest hand at that point is declared the winner. At this point the winners are paid and the losers will then forfeit their bets.

Baccarat Chemin De Fer

This game is played in a similar fashion as to what was described above. Howerver, a 6 pack full of cards is shuffled together at the center of the table here. A basket is also kept in the center of the card to hold any used cards. Any questions that come up about the position of a plyer are decided by the group of players. It is also through this process that seats are drawn and one person is chosen to sit next to the croupier. The croupier is the person who will first shuffle the cards. Each player will then shuffle the cards as well. Whomever is seated to the left is the person who will then cut the deck.

Baccarat Banque

The main difference between this game and Baccarat Chemin De Fer is that the banker’s position is a little more permanent here. Usually there are 3 packs of cards used in this game, however there are times when 4 packs are used as well. Another unique feature of this game is that the banker will stay until either their finances are maintained or their cards are dealt with.


Most of the time you will find that a 5% commission is paid to the house, 95% is paid to the banker and the player will either get money or a 1-1 commission. However, there are some times when even more money is paid out by the casino or both the player and the banker get a 1-1 commission. The house edge on the bankers bet is usually 1.46%. This means that whenever the rounds are completed, if the value of both the banker and the players are the same then there is a tie. Whenever there is a tie, it is paid out in 8 to 1 odds.


While this game may sound confusing, it really isn’t. The best way in which to learn how to play this game is by watching a game either in person or online. Once you have watched this game being played, you will see that the rules will become quite clear really quickly. Even if you are still feeling confused, you will find that some people are actually able to win at this game without really ever understanding the rules.